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Blue Cow

Players 2–8

Playing time 30+ Min

Age 10+

Party card game for two to eight players

Card Game

The basic rule of the Blue Cow is simple – when it is your turn, you turn over the top card of the deck and immediately say what is on the card and what color it is (e.g. a blue cow or a green dog). However, the Rules will gradually enter the game, changing what you have to say or do when the card is turned over. One mistake means you lose one life, and whoever is first to lose all their lives, loses the game.


 52 cards, 48 cardboard Rule parts tiles, 45 Life tokens, 3 Time tokens

Dimensions: 18,5 x 23 x 4 cm

MSRP: 15,99 EUR

Available territories: CZ, SK, PL